Green Design

The best way to predict the future is to design it. With our belief in sustainable development, Aurum campus has been designed to deliver Zero liquid discharge, 100% recycling of water, rainwater harvesting, water conservation, LED lighting and energy-saving facades....

Girls Education

Inspired by our government program of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ we started to educate and nurture girl students. Our focus is to create the right educational infrastructure for the under privileged girls and enhance their quality of education.Several contributions via...

Nutritious Meals

Hunger and malnutrition are the biggest barriers to sustainable development of a community. We are humbled to have served 1,50,000+ nutritious meals in association with ‘Roti Bank’. We are privileged to be serving the needs of two communities under ‘Mata Bala Arogya...

Medical Interventions

We prioritize the good health and well-being of our members and the community. Through our Medical Interventions initiatives, we are committed to supporting and strengthening the health infrastructure by increasing our outreach to marginalized communities. 2,000+ free...